Smart meters
Smartmeter is a smart energy meter that provides detailed data on electricity consumption and sends this information back to the electricity grid. Smartmeters play a key role in photovoltaics, as they enable accurate monitoring and control of the production, consumption and distribution of electricity from photovoltaic systems.
These meters can record electricity consumption and production at short intervals, often every hour or minute, contributing to more accurate billing, better optimisation of consumption and more efficient use of the energy produced.
With smartmeter, you will know exactly how much energy the PV panels have produced, how much has been consumed and how much has been fed back into the grid. As a PV panel owner, you will be able to optimize the return on your investment.
Smartmeters also provide valuable information to utility companies and electricity distributors to help better manage the load on the grid, contributing to a more stable and efficient energy system.
Choose from our range of smartmeters and always have an overview of your consumption.