Słownik terminów, Strona 2



The abbreviation "MPPT" in photovoltaics stands for "Maximum Power Point Tracker," which translates to "Maximum Power Point Tracker." MPPT is an electronic controller or system used in solar PV systems to monitor and optimize the performance of PV…


Net-metering je metóda, pri ktorej vlastníci fotovoltických systémov môžu predávať prebytočnú energiu späť do verejnej siete, často za zvýhodnené tarify. Tento systém podporuje investície do obnoviteľných zdrojov energie.


The abbreviation "NOCT" in photovoltaics stands for "Nominal Operating Cell Temperature," which translates to "Nominal Operating Cell Temperature." NOCT is a standard parameter used to characterize the temperature conditions under which a PV cell…

Off-grid system

An off-grid system, or in other words an island PV system, is an energy system that is not connected to the regular electricity distribution grid. This system is independent of the electricity supply from the central electricity grid. Batteries are…

On-grid system

An on-grid system, also called a grid-tied system, is a photovoltaic power system that is connected to the conventional electricity distribution grid. This system is designed to generate electricity using solar panels and send this energy back to the…

Photovoltaic cell

The photovoltaic cell, often referred to as a solar cell, is the basic building block of solar panels. It is a device that directly converts sunlight into electricity through a process known as the photovoltaic effect. This is the process that occurs…

Photovoltaic cell efficiency

The efficiency as well as the performance of PV cells is determined under defined conditions, the so-called STC standard test conditions. Cell material: Different materials (such as silicon, thin-film materials) have different physical properties…

Photovoltaic module

A photovoltaic module is basically synonymous with a photovoltaic panel. The term refers to a group of photovoltaic cells that are connected together to form a unit capable of generating an electric current from solar radiation. Sometimes the term…

Photovoltaic panel

A photovoltaic panel is a device that directly converts sunlight into electricity using a semiconductor material, most commonly silicon. These panels are often installed on the roofs of buildings, in open fields or other areas with sufficient…

Photovoltaic panel efficiency

The efficiency of a PV panel is an important indicator that reflects the ability of a PV panel to convert energy from sunlight into electricity. This parameter is crucial for assessing the performance and efficiency of PV systems. The efficiency of a…

Photovoltaic panel performance

The power output of a PV panel is a technical parameter that indicates how much electricity a given PV panel can generate from sunlight per unit of time. This parameter is measured in watts (W) and represents the ability of the panel to convert solar…

Photovoltaic power plant

A photovoltaic power plant, also known as a solar power plant, is a facility for generating electricity by using solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaic power plants can be designed in a…

Photovoltaic power plant output

The power output of a photovoltaic power plant is a technical parameter that indicates how much electricity a given photovoltaic power plant is able to generate from solar radiation per unit of time. The power output of a photovoltaic power plant is…

Photovoltaic system

A photovoltaic system (PV system or solar electric system) is designed to capture and harness the sun's energy using photovoltaics. A PV system consists of several components: solar panels that capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, an…


Photovoltaics is a field of technology and research focused on the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity using semiconductor devices known as photovoltaic cells or solar cells. This process is based on a physical and chemical phenomenon…


PMPP rated panel power, the value measured in MPP (Wp) is given.


Polykryštalický panel je typ fotovoltického panela, ktorý je vyrobený z viacerých kryštálov kremíka. Má nižšiu efektívnosť v porovnaní s monokryštalickými panelmi, ale je obvykle lacnejší.

Power optimizer

In the context of photovoltaics, a power optimizer is an electronic device that is used to optimize the performance of photovoltaic panels in solar systems. Its main objective is to increase the overall efficiency and performance of the solar system…

PV – Photovoltaic Power Plant

The abbreviation "PV" in a professional context usually refers to "Photovoltaic Power Plant". A photovoltaic power plant is a large energy system that uses photovoltaic panels or modules to convert sunlight directly into electricity. This process is…

Pv (Photovoltaics)

The abbreviation "PV" is commonly used in a professional context to refer to "photovoltaics" or "photovoltaic". Photovoltaics is a technology and scientific discipline concerned with the conversion of sunlight directly into electricity using…


The abbreviation "PVS" means "Photovoltaic System" in a technical context. This term refers to a set of technologies and equipment used to convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. A PV system includes the following main…

Rated panel power

The panel power rating is an important technical parameter used in the context of photovoltaics to describe the performance of a solar panel. The solar panel power rating is a value that is determined in standard test conditions (STC) and is given in…


ROI, alebo návratnosť investície, je metrika, ktorá sa používa na vyhodnotenie efektívnosti investície do solárnych panelov. ROI je vyjadrená ako percentuálna hodnota a určuje, za akú dobu sa investícia vráti vo forme úspor alebo zisku.


A smartmeter, also known as a smart meter, is an advanced type of energy meter that provides detailed information about electricity consumption and communicates this data back to the power grid. In the context of photovoltaics, smartmeters play a…

Solar battery

See Batteries for photovoltaics. A solar battery, also known as a storage battery or photovoltaic battery, is a device designed to store the electricity generated by photovoltaic panels. In the context of photovoltaics, these batteries are a key…
