Azimutálny uhol
Azimutálny uhol je uhol medzi severom a projekciou solárneho panelu na horizontálnu rovinu. Tento uhol je dôležitý pri optimalizácii umiestnenia solárnych panelov.
Batteries for photovoltaics
Photovoltaic batteries, also called solar batteries or batteries for photovoltaic systems, are electrical devices that are used to store excess electricity generated by photovoltaic panels. Their main role is to store the electricity for later use,…
Circulation pump
Circulation pumps are used to maintain the circulation of domestic hot (drinking) water in residential houses. Their main function is to ensure that the hot water is constantly circulated through the system to prevent it from cooling down. This…
CO2 kompenzácia
CO2 kompenzácia je proces, v rámci ktorého sú emisie skleníkových plynov kompenzované výsadbou stromov alebo investíciami do projektov obnoviteľnej energie. V kontexte solárnej energie to môže znamenať zníženie emisií prostredníctvom využívania…
Crystalline panel
Crystalline panels are one of the main types of photovoltaic panels used to generate electricity from solar radiation. These panels are assembled from many solar cells that are made of crystalline silicon. There are two main types of crystalline…
Degradácia označuje postupný pokles výkonnosti fotovoltaických panelov počas ich životnosti. Tento pokles je často kvantifikovaný a je dôležitý pri plánovaní dlhodobého využitia solárnych systémov.
Electric vehicle
An electric vehicle (EV) is a type of vehicle that is powered by electricity. Unlike traditional cars with petrol or diesel engines, EVs and electric trucks use an electric motor powered by batteries or fuel cells. The main advantage of electric…
Energetická efektívnosť
Energetická efektívnosť označuje pomer medzi užitočným výstupom energie a vstupnou energiou. V kontexte fotovoltických panelov to znamená, koľko slnečnej energie je úspešne premenené na elektrickú energiu.
EV chargers
These are devices that allow electric cars to be charged directly from household sockets. It is important to distinguish between a portable charger and a charging cable. A portable charger is a stand-alone device that is used to charge an electric…
Hybrid photovoltaic power plants
Hybrid PV plants are an advanced type of energy systems that combine photovoltaic (PV) technology with one or more other energy sources or storage technologies to create a more efficient and reliable energy system. Thus, a hybrid PV plant is…
Hybrid voltage inverters
Hybrid voltage converters (or hybrid inverters) are advanced devices. They allow the efficient combination of power from different sources, integrating the features of on-grid and off-grid inverters. These inverters provide the ability to power a…
Charge controller
A charge controller, often called a solar controller or solar controller, is a device used in photovoltaic (solar) power systems to control and regulate the charging of batteries or accumulators. Its main function is to monitor and control the…
The abbreviation "IMPP" in a technical context stands for "Maximum Power Point Current". This term is mainly used in the field of photovoltaics and refers to the current that a photovoltaic cell or panel produces at its Maximum Power Point (MPP).…
Insolácia je množstvo slnečnej energie, ktorá dopadne na určitú plochu za určitý čas. Je to dôležitý parameter pri návrhu a hodnotení výkonnosti fotovoltaických systémov.
Intensity of solar radiation
In the context of photovoltaics, the term "solar intensity" refers to the amount of sunlight that falls on a certain area per unit time. This intensity is a key factor for the generation of electricity by photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, as sunlight…
In the context of photovoltaics, an inverter is an electronic device that plays a key role in converting the solar energy produced by photovoltaic panels into an electric current suitable for use in the home or for distribution to the grid. The main…
Inverter for photovoltaics
A photovoltaic inverter (also known as a solar inverter or PV inverter) is a key component of a photovoltaic system. Its main function is to convert direct current (DC), which is generated by the solar panels, into alternating current (AC), which is…
The abbreviation "ISC" in the field of photovoltaics stands for "short-circuit current". This value is an important parameter in characterising the performance of solar PV panels and indicates the maximum current that can be produced by the device…
Kapacita akumulácie
Kapacita akumulácie odkazuje na množstvo energie, ktorú je možné uložiť v energetickom úložisku, ako je napríklad batéria. Táto kapacita je často udávaná v kilowatthodinách (kWh) a je dôležitá pre určenie, koľko energie môže byť uložené na…
kWh (kilowatthodina)
kWh je jednotka energie používaná na meranie výroby a spotreby elektrickej energie. Jedna kilowatthodina je ekvivalentná jednému kilowattu energie spotrebovanej za jednu hodinu.
The abbreviation "kWp" stands for kilowatt peak and is a measure of the power output of photovoltaic (solar) systems. This term is used to express the maximum nominal performance of a solar panel or solar system under optimal conditions. In the…
Microgrid je malá, lokálna energetická sieť, ktorá môže fungovať nezávisle alebo v tandeme s hlavnou elektrickou sieťou. V solárnej energetike sa často používa pre dodávanie energie do odľahlých alebo náročných lokalít.
A microinverter is a term used in the electronics and power industry to refer to a small electronic device or circuit that is used to transfer electrical energy between different devices or components in an electrical network. Microinverters are…
Monokrystalický panel je typ fotovoltaického panela, ktorý je vyrobený z jedného kryštálu kremíka. Tento typ panelu je známy svojou vyššou efektívnosťou a dlhšou životnosťou, ale je obvykle drahší v porovnaní s inými typmi panelov.
The abbreviation "MPP" in photovoltaics stands for "Maximum Power Point". This term is used to refer to the point on the power curve of a photovoltaic panel where the maximum possible power is achieved. The MPP is the point at which the PV panel…